Tuesday 12 May 2009

On the Campaign Trail

They say a week's a long time in politics - well it certainly is!
Bruised knuckles from trying to shove leaflets etc. through inaccessible post boxes, accusations being made about the opposition and illegal expenses, and my own brief shot at fame on the opposition's main website - most read article apparently, which is really great for my own free publicity, all as a result of my great ad. in the local newspaper - see, advertising really does work! Just over 3 weeks to go now and am well embedded to go on and win. My approach may be unconventional but then my whole life has been that way, so no surprises there.
Am still being groped by vaguely unsavoury types in the local hostelries, and verbally barraged by angry residents, all water off a duck's back to me.
I now know why everyone said that Mrs. T could survive on only 5 hours sleep a night - same here at the moment, am practically post-menopausal and after 5 years of hell with barely 4 hours a night I am now sleeping soundly undisturbed for 5 hours and waking full of beans - hence my nocturnal forays into the hinterlands of Chard.
I have joined everything in sight and quite honestly had not realised quite what an exciting town Chard is - there is so much going on it's a wonder anyone can keep up. All we need to do now is work on the image... something I'm good at ... work calls so have to go now ...stay tuned, and don't forget to look at my updated Youtube (Vote for Vijeh 2) entry, and also facebook of course.

Saturday 25 April 2009

Rule Britannia

It's all very well having a blog but it needs to be updated regularly to make sure people at least have something new to read - anyone want to make bets on how long I can keep this up?!
Up at 5am, and not to bed until midnight - not good for the constitution but as I said to someone only the other day - you don't win elections sat at home on your fat backside.
This is harder work than doing the job.
Have had a few bits of good news though, a possible rival is not not planning to stand, which means I should gain a few votes there. The Lib Dems announced the resignation of two of their District Couuncillors on friday - crafty devils, knowing full well, having planned it all themselves, it wouldn't give other parties much time to find suitable candidates to contest. They reckoned without the likes of me though - have a gem up my sleeve to run for Ilminster, if she gets selected as a candidate. It's all very well everyone bleating on about having younger councillors but they just don't stay the course, this is at least the 3rd to resign - all bloody women too, which doesn't do the image much good.
Was propositioned by a rather sleazy man on friday night, after the Donyatt St George's night charity auction fundraiser - a real creep. There was a good turnout but I was surprised that no-one bar me had made much of an effort to dress for the occasion - and we didn't sing Rule Britannia. That reminds me, the BNP are sniffing around and trying to stir up trouble, and I'm afraid that in Chard they may have some supporters, which would be the worst possible thing. People are so stupid, they blame immigration on the immigrants but it's not about that, it's about the daft government policies we have in place.
Had a great lunch yesterday out at Holditch - place was packed, and the food very good - the Methodists definitely do the best grub. I seem to have talked myself into collecting for Christianaid after meeting a lovely misisonary teacher in her 80s who organises it all locally.
Went to the Mayor's Dance last night at the Guildhall where they had a great young lad singing, and Martin Wale himself has a fine old voice - makes you wonder why they hired the band!
Also attended the Chard 2000 AGM - a great group who have loads of ideas for promoting the town, but no clout sadly - now I've become a member I hope to change all that, although I declined to join the committee - too bloody much to do..... and too tired.
Katy, my lovely goddaughter (ish) has turned up to help me campaign, bless her, but saldy my leaflets, which I went to great efforts to get ready, have not arrived - I'd much prefer ruling the word on my own - get more done! I was always fond of Attila the Hun, and Maggie.
Have it hot off the press that we have a famous supporter coming down to help our campaign, which will be a great boost.
Have a busy day ahead - please God save me from old men with halitosis...ugh!

Thursday 23 April 2009

let's get movin' ---

A rap song written by the grandson of one of my campaigners - what do you think?

Linda’s the name,
Improving this town is the game.
She never sleeps, never rests
Always does her very best
No-one’s better for this place
She’ll work hard to make Chard ace
When you meet her, you’ll see she’s rare,
And you just know she’s gonna care
She works 12 hours every day
And she sure don’t do it for the pay
Friend or stranger, rich or poor
She always has an open door
You’re the top of her chart
And she’ll play her part
Making this area number one
Her work for you is never done
If you need any help, just pick up the phone
In an emergency - or for a good old moan!
Linda’s always on time
And will fight to beat crime
She’ll really be your shining star
Working near, not from afar.
She’ll cook you up a thriving town
Never trying to grind you down
She’ll be good for your health
And will safeguard your wealth
So, on June 4th be sure to get out
It’s your chance to give change a shout
Use your vote to have your say
Let Linda help you get your way!

Wednesday 22 April 2009

From Party Girl to Politician

How times change - at 54, an angry middle aged, menopausal, childless (not by choice), sleep deprived, divorcee - who wants to rule the world.
And why not.
Better to get involved than opt out.
I haven't the faintest idea what to do, but keen to move with the times this is my very first attempt at this blogging lark - and it could be the last - what do you do once you've started ?......
keep going I guess - just like life, plodding along and dealing with what it throws at you, in the best way you can.
In this case, being the voice of the great unheard (not unwashed), standing up for Joe Bloggs (does he really exist?) - fighting aginst mindless bureaucracy, meaningless government targets that blow according to the prevailing political wind, and in general ruffling a few of those fluffy tax payer funded feathered nests.
Cynical, moi? Why wouldn't one be?
But enough of this nonsense.
I'm supposed to be getting people to get up, get out and vote.
For me.
Why would you want to do that?
Because I care. Not about me. About you. The man on the street.
The things that matter to you, whether or not they matter to me, because that's what you pay your taxes for.
The taxes that go to pay for people like me to represent you.
I can't do miracles, I'll leave that to God.
What I can do is listen, taken note, use my unsurpassed skills, knowledge and great attitude (yes, I am a woman with attitude) to help you get the service you deserve.
Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your local County Councillor can do for you.
The only thing I can do is my best. My very best.
So, go on, spread the word, get out there and get me in, and together we can change the world and make it a better place for us all.
If you live in South Chard, or know anyone that does, make sure you use the rights given to you by living in a democracy and on June 4th go and make your mark to choose who represents you and your views.
Make that person me.
Vote Linda Vijeh.