Wednesday 22 April 2009

From Party Girl to Politician

How times change - at 54, an angry middle aged, menopausal, childless (not by choice), sleep deprived, divorcee - who wants to rule the world.
And why not.
Better to get involved than opt out.
I haven't the faintest idea what to do, but keen to move with the times this is my very first attempt at this blogging lark - and it could be the last - what do you do once you've started ?......
keep going I guess - just like life, plodding along and dealing with what it throws at you, in the best way you can.
In this case, being the voice of the great unheard (not unwashed), standing up for Joe Bloggs (does he really exist?) - fighting aginst mindless bureaucracy, meaningless government targets that blow according to the prevailing political wind, and in general ruffling a few of those fluffy tax payer funded feathered nests.
Cynical, moi? Why wouldn't one be?
But enough of this nonsense.
I'm supposed to be getting people to get up, get out and vote.
For me.
Why would you want to do that?
Because I care. Not about me. About you. The man on the street.
The things that matter to you, whether or not they matter to me, because that's what you pay your taxes for.
The taxes that go to pay for people like me to represent you.
I can't do miracles, I'll leave that to God.
What I can do is listen, taken note, use my unsurpassed skills, knowledge and great attitude (yes, I am a woman with attitude) to help you get the service you deserve.
Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your local County Councillor can do for you.
The only thing I can do is my best. My very best.
So, go on, spread the word, get out there and get me in, and together we can change the world and make it a better place for us all.
If you live in South Chard, or know anyone that does, make sure you use the rights given to you by living in a democracy and on June 4th go and make your mark to choose who represents you and your views.
Make that person me.
Vote Linda Vijeh.

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