Thursday 11 November 2021


Those of us who enter public service as elected representatives, are expected to uphold the 7 Nolan Principles of public life. For me, the most important of these is integrity, being honest, with strong moral values.

Those in positions of responsibility and authority should always ask themselves ‘What is my motivation?’ No matter what our thoughts, words and deeds, we must satisfy those who stand in judgment, and to whom we are ultimately accountable, the electorate.

Party politics aside, we must be confident that our representatives will always try to do the right thing, even if we may not always agree with them.

Going about our daily business, being open and transparent, treating everyone equally and without fear or favour, is something worth fighting for, and which should be rewarded with our trust and confidence.

Those who have their own agenda may succeed momentarily because of what they know or do, but those who succeed permanently do so because of what they are.

The most complimentary thing ever said about me is ‘Linda, you are incorruptible.’

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