Tuesday 29 December 2020



By universal agreement 2020 has been a difficult year. Business and families across the globe have suffered enormously. Not wanting to rub salt in the wounds, I am aware that my personal circumstances have bucked the trend. I have been one of the lucky ones. Apart from two significant events which had a severe impact on my personal comfort, this year has been a pretty good one for me.

I have no family responsibilities, enjoy a roof over my head, just, food to put in my belly, reasonably good health (weight gain caused by over self-indulgence aside) and I have not been subject to abuse. I have little to complain about. 

Whilst Lockdown has caused considerable upset to many, living alone, I am fortunate in that I enjoy my own company, hate exercise and the outdoors, and shun the sun. I have embraced isolation.

Whilst many have been quick to blame the government’s handling of the pandemic, by comparison with the rest of the world we have not fared so badly. On the ‘vulnerable’ list due to long term respiratory problems, I take the view that the only person who can protect me is myself. I have little tolerance for those who flout the rules. If people had only taken note of the guidance in relation to staying safe, we might never have had to suffer Lockdown, the disruption to our lives, and that of the economy. As cries for government handouts are heeded, the bill will have to be paid in the end, and it will be taxpayers footing the bill. 

Last minute changes to permissible plans for the Christmas holidays has caused upset, distress and anger, which is understandable. 

I decided to stay put and celebrate alone; not quite the sacrifice one might think. I do not enjoy cooking roast dinners, and don’t much care for turkey. However, once a year I love cooking a proper Christmas meal. After the big day I relish making turkey soup, turkey and ham pie, turkey fricassée…. completing my turkey indulgence for another year. I was damned if I was going to go without this year so decided to find others who were going to be on their own and deliver ‘meals on wheels’.

It has been one of the best Christmases ever. I indulged myself in cooking up a storm but did not have to tolerate the family tensions that seem to surface, the time taken to lay the table, entertain everyone and, worst of all, tackle mountains of washing up. I prepared the food at my leisure, packed it into containers and dropped it off. Bob’s your uncle. Home by 1pm, in time to down a glass of bubbly and a little light refreshment before putting my feet up for the rest of the day, watching junk TV. The joy of living alone. 

How we choose to deal with the crises that occur in our lives is largely down to attitude. It really is everything.

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