Tuesday 21 January 2014

Hollande adultery saga - not all it's cracked up to be

In the wake of the Holland-Trierweiler-Gayet saga, ‘move in with your mistress and create a vacancy’ might well be the modern day message for Oscar Wilde's much quoted saying, since poached by Sir James Goldsmith. 
The public seem to continue to have a fascination with other people’s sex lives, in a voyeuristic way, particularly for those in the public eye. Perhaps in the absence of our own satisfaction, the unveiling of such intimate detail satisfies.
In the case of Hollande, although there is much more open acceptance on the continent for the odd dalliance, this very public diversion will have done his political reputation little harm, as long as he is seen to keep his eye on the economy. Many of his compatriots will be thinking, 'there but for the grace of God go I'.
Whilst I do feel sorry for Mme. Treirweiler, her recent shunting aside in the stakes for Hollande’s affections is not entirely unexpected, given what has emerged about her relationship, or lack of it, with his children. Offspring can be very unforgiving when a parent chooses to replace their own mother or father with someone else, more often than not, thinner, richer, younger and presumably more nubile. In this case it would appear that the introduction of Ms. Gayet into the mix was entirely intentional.
Mme. Trierweiler's overdose is unlikely to have been with the clear intention to end her life, more a cry for help and attention. None of us likes to be replaced by a younger model, but it is hardly surprising, given Hollande’s advancing years; he will want to prove that he still has what it takes. As cruel as it may seem, what is probably bothering her more is the loss of status, financial stability and public humiliation. There's many a person that will sadly put up with intolerable behaviour for security; and many feel they have no choice. The sending of flowers and chocolates, having been banned from visiting her in hospital is in itself an indication of his lack of concern.
Why would any self-respecting woman want to be with such a man?

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