Sunday 22 June 2014

Leadership - A Priceless Asset

Brilliant leadership is a priceless asset that can have world changing consequences.
The fact is that the ability of someone to lead can transcend shortfalls in time, money or resources, and can provide the all-important sustainability that all businesses should strive to attain.
Effective leaders provide clear focused direction, ensuring that all involved are in a position to achieve their full potential, working towards the common goal. To do this however, you must have a vision, a sense of purpose, and the absolute belief that it can be achieved.
It is only then that you can develop the plan that will get you there.
Vitally, you will never be in a position to lead others until you have mastered the art of leading yourself; to do this requires discipline, determination and total commitment to the task in hand. Without it you are setting yourself up to fail, as well as those that follow you.
Much is said about leading by example, as the pace you set, and the way you go about your business will be the benchmark by which others will judge not just you, but also those that you lead. It may seem trite to say ’walk the talk’, but good leaders never allow themselves to fall short of the high standards they set for others.
But, is it enough to lead by example? Not unless you have the ability to communicate that vision to others in such a way that they feel compelled to follow. To do this those that you lead will need to see how as a result of following your lead their own lives will be improved.
Critically, strong interpersonal skills are at the core of getting your message across persuasively. Leaders need to understand the key drivers for those they seek to lead, and to be able to see things from the other person’s perspective. By doing this, as a leader, you will be in a better position to get them to ‘want’ to do it, rather than being forced into a situation not of their choosing, being coerced to go with the flow reluctantly.
Good leaders also know when to let go of the reins and allow their followers to feel sufficiently empowered to ‘go for it’.
As with many things is life, attitude is everything.

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