Wednesday 19 October 2016

Ashill launches its outdoor adult gym

County Councillor Linda Vijeh was invited to join Ashill residents to officially ‘open’ the new Adult Outdoor Gym at Ashill Recreation Ground this week. The idea for the installation of the gym equipment was the inspiration of local resident Brenda Pyle who, along with professional advice from fellow resident, Jane Knowles of the Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership carried out much of the behind-the-scenes work to raise the £10,333 required to purchase the equipment.

Linda, who did try out all of the equipment, had this to say, ‘I was delighted to have had the opportunity to use some of my county councillor’s Health and Wellbeing money to support this excellent project; something that I think every small community should aim for. Many local people are not as young as they might be and know the importance of keeping fit to ensure that they lead healthy lives. Whilst joining a gym may be the option for some it can be costly and access it not always easy. This equipment, which is simple to use without supervision, has been welcomed enthusiastically by everyone in the community. I have even heard tell of people coming over from Ilminster to use it! I am thrilled to hear that Jane has offered to start up group sessions to get everyone moving and I cannot wait to join in.’   

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