Monday 3 February 2014

Protecting Children and Families - Who Cares?

As an insomniac I sometimes find that in the middle of the night watching BBC Parliament can provide me with the necessary slumber inducing distraction.
However, viewing the Children and Families Bill, which was debated in the House of Lords on January 28th, had quite the opposite effect.
I found that far from becoming drowsy with the long, tedious drawn out pace of the debate, I became at first incredulous, and then increasingly incensed. With the benefit of TV cameras, I could see that no more than a dozen of our esteemed representatives were present, several of whom appeared to find that fiddling with their mobile phones was much more interesting.
Is it that the protection of our children and their vulnerable families is so unimportant to them?
I fear it may well be the case for the vast majority our Lords and Ladies, tucked up in their cosy homes, having been well fed a tasty little supper before retiring, after a trip to the theatre perhaps?
An utter disgrace when so many in our society live such utterly miserable lives, often not of their own choosing. The least they could do is to show some interest. I'd send them all to the tower.

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