Tuesday 24 December 2013

care standards in hospitals

With the furore over hospital care standards continuing in the wake of the recent report of the goings on at Stafford, it's time that patients looked out for themselves to prevent this happening here. As the elected local public governor for the Royal Devon & Exeter NHS FT I would urge everyone to become a 'member' of their local hospital trust. This can be a very useful way to fully engage with your local hospital and keep an eye on what they are doing. At the RD&E we hold regular 'members' say' events to meet with the public and find out what they want, and also to highlight any areas where local people feel we are not living up to our promise to 'Respond, Deliver and Enable'. I became a member after a horrendous experience with the NHS and feel it is of benefit to everyone. Membership is free, so either access their website or contact me direct.
lindavijeh@hotmail.com or 01460 66668.

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