Tuesday 24 December 2013

Fighting porn sites

Whilst battling the ongoing uphill fight against child pornography, David Cameron’s announcement over the blocking of terms used to access child porn images, is to be applauded, if he thinks this will solve the problem, then he is either very naïve or just plain stupid.
Those who choose to either indulge in, or view, such appallingly depraved behaviour know full well the unacceptability of what they are doing.
We are dealing here with manipulative devious degenerates who will go to any length to ensure they continue unhindered.
By blocking that terms that are commonly used to access such images all we will be doing is driving further underground such behaviour, and encouraging the use of ‘innocent’ terms and words to avoid detection. Euphemisms for offensive activity have long been used, and a quick look on the internet reveals an astonishing number of examples currently in vogue. It is not realistic to consider banning half the dictionary in pursuit of cleaning up the internet.
What continues to surprise me is that no-one appears to be looking at the reasons why such behaviour is carried out, which is more to do with lack of self worth and control, rather than a sexual act, which is just the tip of a very deep iceberg. No normal, happy, mentally stable individual would dream of an activity that can cause such harm to another, vulnerable person; any more than normal people wake up each day wanting to rape someone, get blind drunk, take drugs, or any of the other socially unacceptable conduct that takes place.
It is not until we fully get to grips with the underlying issues causing such behaviour that we will even get close to stamping it out. We need to treat the causes, not just the symptoms, hoping for a quick fix. Only then can we hope for a society fit for all to live in safely.

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