Tuesday 24 December 2013

Eating Horse Meat

Who better to know about the value of horse meat than Princess Anne. Although many may baulk at the idea, I have eaten horse meat on several occasons and find it, if properly cooked, delicious, lean and very heathly. Personally I don't see that the moral issue is very different from eating some of the 'specialty' meats that on occasion find their way onto out supermarket shelves, such a alligator and kangaroo. The issue, which is being widely discussed at present, is the welfare of the animal, and the way in which it is slaughtered. Eating horse meat would also certainly take the value out of the current black market use of it to deceive custotmers.
For recipes, you will find that pretty much any game recipe, for venison for example, will do the job nicely, especially if using a marinade. If wanting to eat it like steak, be careful not to overcook the meat if you don't want it to be tough and dry.

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